Air Fryer has been such a miraculous product! You can cook any dish you want. It is super easy and practical to use. And today we will show you how to cook the tortillas in an Air Fryer.
You will explore a fantastic taste and wish to know it before! So, let’s get started.
We use the Turka Tortillas for this recipe because it’s suitable for the Air Fryer.
The ingredients are simple. You will need some oil, salt, and spices. Also, you can add some cheese or even meat, it is up to you. You can make any kind of food in the Air Fryer.
Preheat the machine to 180 degrees for 5 minutes and prepare your tortillas. Be sure that the tortillas are done because you will not be able to add more products to them after it’s cooked. It will ruin the taste.
Put your tortillas in the Air Fryer and cook them. After it’s done, serve it on a plate and if you wish add some sauces. BBQ or ranch will be great for the tortillas which have been cooked in an Air Fryer.
It is simple and quick to cook your tortillas in the Air Fryer! You can try it at home and discover the delicious taste!